Automation and flexibility for intelligent logistics environments.

AUTOLOG project aims to develop innovative solutions that optimise the logistics supply chain. To this end, emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Big data and autonomous collaborative vehicles (AGVs) are used to help improve the planning and control of logistics operations, streamlining and making processes more profitable. 

AUTOLOG will provide efficient solutions for the logistics chain, reducing costs and operating times, as well as predicting anomalies, minimising production errors and providing automatic decision-making to manage incidents. 

The developments in the framework of this project will be applicable to different tasks such as lorry loading, warehouse space management and transport route planning.


At the hardware level, Robotnik will develop and provide autonomous and collaborative robotic platforms for use in logistics operations. The AGVs will incorporate multi-sensor solutions for supply chain and logistics data collection. 

At the software level, Robotnik will develop advanced mixed navigation strategies (indoor and outdoor) for autonomous vehicles. Adaptive path-following strategies will also be developed to enable AGVs to negotiate complex surfaces and dynamic environments. Finally, AI solutions will be used for the detection and positioning of dynamic obstacles of different nature.

The functionality of the developed technologies will be validated in different real environments, including a complex intralogistics environment in the automotive sector, a logistics distribution centre and a shipyard (complex maritime environment).

Partners in the project