The Team Phaethon from the University of Siegen has won at the Field Robot Event 2014

The Team Phaethon from the  University of Siegen has won the first place at the Field Robot Event 2014. The SUMMIT…

Robotnik will be present at Innorobo 2014

As in the last edition, Robotnik will attend as exhibitor Innorobo 2014, that will be held in Lyon (France) from 18th…

Robotnik at 'III GMV Robotics Day'

Robotnik attended the 'III GMV Robotics Day', an event which aims to show the current state of robotic technologyand…

6th European Conference on Mobile Robot

Robotnik será patrocinador oficial del ECMR ‘13, el foro bienal europeo, abierto a nivel internacional, que permite a…

II GMV Robotics Day

The company GMV organized the II  GMV Robotics Day, in which Spanish universities and industry showed some of its…

Successful result of Robotnik in IROS 2012

Robotnik and its partner Barrett Technology were present  in the last IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent…

The Algarve welcomes the new edition of IROS 2012, held in October

As in the last edition, Robotnik will attend the International Conference on Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IROs),…

Robotnik patrocina los premios sobre Robótica que otorga el GTRob

Robotnik ha patrocinado los premios que el GtRob otorga todos los años a la mejor tesis doctoral defendida durante el…

Robocity12 Expo In Media

El programa Madrid Directo, de la televisión autonómica TeleMadrid, ha emitido un reportaje sobre Robocity12, la…

Robots Nao in Fitur 2012

A NAO robot choreography was presented at the booth Fitur Provincial Tourism to promote tourism in the province of…