The straight connection between robotics R&D and the mobile robots and manipulators we have in the market allows us to offer the most intelligent and adapted solution to your project.

Robotnik’s work in robotics research and development is directed and oriented towards tangible, demonstrable and applicable results in the industry. Many of our robots and mobile platforms are marketed to different areas within the academic sector: universities, institutions, technology centers or public and private laboratories.




Our portfolio includes a wide variety of products for the development of industrial applications and R&D in Service Robotics

R&D Projects

Robotnik has a robotics Research and Development department in mobile service robotics.

The straight connection between robotics R&D and the mobile robots and manipulators we have in the market allows us to offer the most intelligent and adapted solution to your project.

Robotnik's work in robotics research and development is directed and oriented towards tangible, demonstrable and applicable results in the industry. Many of our robots and mobile platforms are marketed to different areas within the academic sector: universities, institutions, technology centers or public and private laboratories.
Robotnik has participated in more than 60 European research and development projects in robotics with final applications of different nature: logistics, inspection, agriculture, health or defense, among others.


If you are looking for a partner for your R&D project with robots or mobile manipulators Talk to us!