Robotnik R&D projects

Robotnik has a Research and Development department in robotics to keep moving forward and offer the most intelligent and adapted solution to your project. Check out the R&D projects and the robots developed for them.

Many of our mobile robots are marketed for different entities within the academic sector: universities, institutions, technology centres or laboratories, both public and private.

After participating in more than 60 European research and development projects in robotics of different nature: logistics, inspection, Artificial Intelligence, agriculture or health, Robotnik has years of experience in customising robots adapted and configured according to the specific needs required by R&D applications.

Robotnik’s work in robotics R&D is aimed at tangible, demonstrable and applicable results in industry.


Robotnik R&D products

Robotnik has a Research and Development department in robotics to keep moving forward and offer the most intelligent and adapted solution to your project. Check out the R&D projects and the robots developed for them.

Many of our mobile robots are marketed for different entities within the academic sector: universities, institutions, technology centres or laboratories, both public and private.

After participating in more than 60 European research and development projects in robotics of different nature: logistics, inspection, Artificial Intelligence, agriculture or health, Robotnik has years of experience in customising robots adapted and configured according to the specific needs required by R&D applications.

Robotnik’s work in robotics R&D is aimed at tangible, demonstrable and applicable results in industry.


Robotnik R&D Papers

Research and Development in robotics is key to ensure that Autonomous Mobile Robots can operate in more sectors and perform increasingly complex tasks with greater efficiency. Our robotics R&D team has worked over the years on pioneering projects that have contributed to this progress. Check out some of the scientific articles and technical publications developed by Robotnik’s R&D department:

📄Robotic Grape Inspection and Selective Harvesting in Vineyards

    • IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine (2024).
    • Soriano, A. (ROB); Stavridis, S.; Droukas, L.; Doulgeri, Z.; Tzovaras, D.

📄Exploring Resilient Operation of Multi-Robot Fleet in Various Attack Scenarios

    • 32nd Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation (MED 2024).
    • Julià, R. (ROB); Papanikolaou, A.; Sotiropoulos, I.; Rizou, S.; Fraile, F.; Ramdani, N.

📄Enhancing 5G-enabled Robots Autonomy by Radio-Aware Semantic Maps

    • IEEE/RSJ IROS (2023).
    • Moreno,S.; Garí, G. (ROB); Lendinez, A.; Zanzi, L.; Li, X.; Qiu, R.; Costa-Pérez, X.

📄Intent-Based Deployment for Robot Applications in 5G-Enabled Non-Public Networks

    • ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 4, Issue 1, March (2023).
    • López, R. (ROB); Qiu, R.; Li, D.; Lendínez Ibáñez, A.; Xu, Z.; 

📄Robotic Maintenance of Road Infrastructures: The HERON Project

    • PETRA ’22: 15th Intl. Conf. on Pervasive Technologies (2022).
    • Cantero, M.; Lopez, R. (ROB); Katsamenis, I.; Bimpas, M.; Protopapadakis, E.; Zafeiropoulos, C.; Kalogeras, D.; Doulamis, A.; Doulamis, N.; Martín-Portugués Montoliu, C.; Handanos, Y.; Schmidt, F.; Ott, L.; 

📄Safe Robot Navigation in Indoor Healthcare Spaces

    • ResearchGate (2022).
    • Julià, R.; Bosch, M.; López, R. (ROB); Toulkeridou, E.; Kourris, A.; Christoforou, E.;  Perrot, A.; Godart, A.; Ramdani, N; Pattichis, C.; Panayides, A.; 

📄Pallet detection and docking strategy for autonomous pallet truck AGV operation

    • IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (2021).
    • Julià, R.; Bosch, M.; López, R. (ROB); Tsiogas, E.; Kleitsiotis, I.; Kostavelis, I.; Kargakos, A.; Giakoumis, D.; Likothanassis, S.; Tzovaras, D.; 

📄Robots to Re-Construction – The Roadmap to Robotized Asbestos Removal

    • Boston-Delft: now publishers. (ed.) (2021).
    • Guzmán, R.; Moreno, M. (ROB); Becchi, F.; Dufour, F.; Haschke, T.; Molina, R.; Detert, T.

📄A Safe, Efficient and Integrated Indoor Robotic Fleet for Logistic Applications in Healthcare and Commercial Spaces: The ENDORSE concept

    • 1st IEEE Intl. Workshop ALIAS 2019 (IEEE MDM 2019).
    • López, R. (ROB); Ramdani, A.; Panayides, A.; Karamousadakis, M.; Mellado, M.; Christophorou, C.; Rebiaï, M.; Blouin, M.; Vellidou, E.; Koutsouris, D.

📄BRAIN-IoT: Model-Based Framework for Dependable Sensing and Actuation in Intelligent Decentralized IoT Systems

    • 4th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Security (ICCCS). IEEE. (2019).
    • Soriano, A. (ROB); Conzon, D.; Rifat Ahmmad Rashid, M.; Tao, X.; Nicholson, R.; Ferrera, E. 

📄Improved dynamic object detection within evidential grids framework

    • IEEE 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2019).
    • Soriano, A.; López, R. (ROB); Hadj Henni, A.; Ramdani, N.

📄Event based distributed kalman filter for limited resource multirobot cooperative localization

    • Asian Journal of Control, 21(4), 1531–1546. (2019).
    • Soriano, A. (ROB); Marín, L.; Vallés, M.; Valera, A.; Albertos, P.

📄I-SUPPORT: a Robotic Platform of an Assistive Bathing Robot for the Elderly Population

    • Robotics and Autonomous Systems (2019).
    • Lopez, R. (ROB); Zlatintsi, A.; Dometios, A.C.; Kardaris, N.; Rodomagoulakis, I.; Koutras, P.; Papageorgiou, X.; Maragos, P.; Tzafestas, C.S.; Vartholomeos, P.; Hauer, K.; Werner, C.; Annicchiarico, R.; Lombardi, M.G.; Adriano, F.; Asfour, T.; Sabatini, A.M.; Laschi, C.; Cianchetti, M.; Güler, A.; Kokkinos, I.; Klein, B.; 

Robotnik R&D projects

Robotnik has a Research and Development department in robotics to keep moving forward and offer the most intelligent and adapted solution to your project. Check out the R&D projects and the robots developed for them.

Many of our mobile robots are marketed for different entities within the academic sector: universities, institutions, technology centres or laboratories, both public and private.

After participating in more than 60 European research and development projects in robotics of different nature: logistics, inspection, Artificial Intelligence, agriculture or health, Robotnik has years of experience in customising robots adapted and configured according to the specific needs required by R&D applications.

Robotnik’s work in robotics R&D is aimed at tangible, demonstrable and applicable results in industry.


Robotnik R&D products

Robotnik has a Research and Development department in robotics to keep moving forward and offer the most intelligent and adapted solution to your project. Check out the R&D projects and the robots developed for them.

Many of our mobile robots are marketed for different entities within the academic sector: universities, institutions, technology centres or laboratories, both public and private.

After participating in more than 60 European research and development projects in robotics of different nature: logistics, inspection, Artificial Intelligence, agriculture or health, Robotnik has years of experience in customising robots adapted and configured according to the specific needs required by R&D applications.

Robotnik’s work in robotics R&D is aimed at tangible, demonstrable and applicable results in industry.


R&D Projects

Robotnik has a robotics Research and Development department in mobile service robotics.

The straight connection between robotics R&D and the mobile robots and manipulators we have in the market allows us to offer the most intelligent and adapted solution to your project.

Robotnik's work in robotics research and development is directed and oriented towards tangible, demonstrable and applicable results in the industry. Many of our robots and mobile platforms are marketed to different areas within the academic sector: universities, institutions, technology centers or public and private laboratories.
Robotnik has participated in more than 60 European research and development projects in robotics with final applications of different nature: logistics, inspection, agriculture, health or defense, among others.


Are you looking for a partner for your R&D robotics project?