AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) in various sectors

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) have opened up a wide range of opportunities across various sectors, presenting an…

Applications of robots in the energy and natural resources sector

The oil and gas sector involves hazardous processes and demands a highly specialised workforce. Therefore, the use of…

RB-WATCHER: Autonomous Mobile Robot for security and surveillance in ports

RB-WATCHER surveillance robot to improve the security of port entities: the use case of Robotnik in the AER Insight…

Robotics for inventory and stock control: Next step for warehouses

One of the areas that has changed the most within the logistics industry is stock control.  Automating stock control…

Top innovations in warehouse automation: automated storage systems

Warehouse automation is by no means a new concept. However, now we are talking about technologies for warehouse…


Innovations and applications of industrial mobile robots

The rapid evolution of factory automation is pushing industries to adopt smarter and more efficient technologies. Among…


What are the advantages of mobile robots in warehouse transportation management?

In an increasingly high-pressure supply chain, mobile robotics for the transport of goods in warehouses represent an…

Inspection robots: Simplifying industrial inspections

Industrial inspections are crucial to maintaining safety, efficiency and productivity in various sectors. Traditional…

Mobile robotics: Enhancing supply chain and logistics efficiency

Mobile robotics in the industrial and logistics sectors is proving to be a game-changer, offering unprecedented…

Mobile Manipulators: Precision, AI & Hazardous Uses

MOBILE MANIPULATORS: PRECISION, AI & HAZARDOUS USESPrecision is a critical requirement for most industrial…