Robots to Re-Construction (BOTS2Rec)
The goal of BOTS2Rec is introducing, testing and validating an operational process for the automated removal of…
These robots will save our fields from the danger of pesticides
Future robots would spray pesticides only on plants that need them, unlike current practices that waste up to 99% of…
RB-1 Base robots star in a successful demonstration at TU Dortmund
The German minister for education and research, Prof. Dr. Wanka, has visited the new innovation laboratory "Hybrid…
Service robotics within assisted living environments
By means of the Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation, the European Commision is trying to build…
BADGER project, the autonomous underground robotic system
Robotnik participates at the BADGER project, whose goal is the design and development of the BADGER autonomous…
Precision viticulture takes another step thanks to the Vinbot project
The European project VINBOT, based on precision viticulture, has just finished after three years of intense work. The…
Radio Project Eu progresses in Ambient Assisted Living
RADIO Project technical partners hold meeting in Nafpaktos, Greece. Teams are checking progress in the new ambient…
INJEROBOTS for solving horticultural problems in grafting seedlings
INJEROBOTS is an innovative beginning in the automation of grafting seedlings. The european project aims the…
Robotics in Harsh Environments
In the field of hostile conditions, space is often considered as the harsh environment at its height. However, it’s not…
BOTS2REC, robotic system for the automated removal of asbestos contamination
Bots2Rec project is a robotic system used for the automated removal of asbestos contamination. It will consist of…