ROBO-SPECT, First technological tests at the VSH test tunnels gallery

The first tests of the integrated robotic system, developed in the framework of the European project ROBO-SPECT, were…

GoCart, Autonomous Meal-Transport Robot for people with disabilities

GoCart is the autonomous meal-transport robot designed by the South Korean company Yujin Robot with the aim to operate…

Guardian platform forms part of Beijing University of Technology Project

A research group from the Beijing University of Technology have carried out a project, Intelligent Search And Rescue…

Robotnik collaborates in a new robot for radioactive operations to CEA

AREVA has delivered the first in a new generation of robots, known as RIANA (Robot for Investigations and Assessments…

RADIO project, robotic system for Assisted Living Environments

Robotnik is responsible for the designing and developing of the mobile platform that will enable the development of a…

Robotnik contributes to RAWFIE project with several mobile robots

As the main supplier of mobile robotic platforms that have to be tested under RAWFIE project, Robotnik have just…

The importance of data management in Vinbot project

VINBOT is an all-terrain autonomous mobile robot with a set of sensors capable of capturing and analysing vineyard…

Robotnik continues participating in projects funded under FP7 programme

ROBO-SPECT is a European 7th Framework project funded under the ICT programme on Robotics Use Cases (contract No.…

Robotnik provides robotic mobile platforms for Horizon 2020 projects

As we know, Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative…

End of the successful European Project RUBICON

The 23rd of May took place the final review meeting of the FP7 RUBICON Project. The RUBICON Project (Robotic UBIquitous…