Robotnik signs a distributor agreement with Kinova

Robotnik and Canadian company Kinova have recently signed an agreement for  the distribution in Spain of the Kinova…

Robotnik will be attending Euro Robot Forum

The upcoming 7th of April, Robotnik Automation will be attending the "2011 European Robotics Forum".  We will be…

SCHUNK ExpertDays 2011

On February, experts from all over the world met at the 4th annual ExpertDays on Service Robotics, hosted by SCHUNK.…

Barrett Tech. posted record year in 2010

Barrett Technology posted another record year in 2010, bucking the industry by any measure. Once again, top and bottom…

Robotnik on the TV Show "El Hormiguero"

Robotnik, in collaboration with the Robotic Intelligent Lab. of  the University Jaume I in Castellón, attended the TV…

The Majoress of Valencia impressed by Nao

As part of the Technological Innovation awards hosted by the newspaper "El Mundo ", Robotnik Automation was invited to…

Robotnik in the schools

Through this initiative we want to show future generations that robotics is not so far from reality as they can think.…

Robotnik - distributor of Aldebaran

Robotnik - spanish distributor of NAO. This humanoid robot, used by the most advanced robotic labs among the world, is…

XI Workshop of Physical Agents - Valencia 2010

The upcoming 9th of September Robotnik Automation will be at "XI Workshop of Physical Agents 2010" at the Polytechnic…

IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics in Bremen

The upcoming 26th to 30th of July, Robotnik Automation will be presenting at the IEEE International Workshop on Safety,…