The 23rd of May took place the final review meeting of the FP7 RUBICON Project.

The RUBICON Project (Robotic UBIquitous COgnitive Network) has developed an architecture that integrates networks of sensors and actuators with robots, with the capabilities of learning and adapting. The project has demonstrated its utility in 4 different scenarios, 3 of them associated with AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) plus one scenario of indoor robotic transport tested in the Hospital Stella Maris in Pisa.

In RUBICON, Robotnik has been responsible of the integration of the different layers of the system architecture (communication, control, learning and cognitive) and responsible for the scenario of robotic indoor transport.

In this proyect have also participated The University College Dublin, Il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, The Örebro University, La Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation, The University of Ulster, The University of Pisa, Pintal LTD and La Fondazione Stella Maris.
