Robotnik, distributor in Europe of Fetch Robotics

Robotnik Automation is the official and exclusive distributor of Fetch Robotics' products in Europe. Fetch Robotics is…

Augmented Reality going into action

The Augmented Reality (AR) is said to be a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose…

Robotnik supports ELROB 2016 teams with discounts on their robots

Teams created by professional users of robots, designers and manufacturers from the robotic industry and universities…

SUMMIT XL, the robot from the winner team of the ​RoboCup German Open 2015

The research team AutonOHM from the  Nuremberg Institute of Technology Georg Simon Ohm in Germany has achieved the…

Robotnik is a supporter of the euRathlon 2015 Challenge

Teams from universities, research labs and Industry in general are called to the next euRathlon 2015 Challenge from the…

Robotnik contributes to RAWFIE project with several mobile robots

As the main supplier of mobile robotic platforms that have to be tested under RAWFIE project, Robotnik have just…

The importance of data management in Vinbot project

VINBOT is an all-terrain autonomous mobile robot with a set of sensors capable of capturing and analysing vineyard…

Robotnik provides robotic mobile platforms for Horizon 2020 projects

As we know, Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative…

AGVS: a new platform for intrahospital logistics with ROS

Robotnik has just launched to the market its AGVS platform with ROS architecture. It is an autonomous robot designed to…

Robotnik will be present at Innorobo 2014

As in the last edition, Robotnik will attend as exhibitor Innorobo 2014, that will be held in Lyon (France) from 18th…