Smart factories: how robots are leading industry changes
Smart factories are production companies and factories with a level of automation and digitalization that allows them…
Collaborative Robots vs Industrial Robots: key differences
When we talk about Industry 4.0, we can’t help but talk about collaborative robots and how this intelligent automated…
Top robotics companies: why Robotnik is between them?
Today, robotics is part of our day to day, helping to optimize and automate tasks and making life easier for people.…
Robotnik and the Spanish technologies in the fight against COVID-19
‘El Mundo’ newspaper has just published an article about the different technologies developed by Spanish companies in…
The importance of collaborative robotics in the fight against COVID-19
Robotics has emerged as one of the technologies that is most contributing to the fight against COVID-19, providing…
Collaborative robotics solutions to combat the health crisis of COVID-19
The current health crisis has led to the introduction of different prevention measures, among which is establishing the…
Robotnik puts its technology at the service of the COVID-19 health crisis
In the current world crisis caused by COVID-19, and foreseeably in other future ones with similar characteristics that…
Robotnik and Itera collaborate in the development of the "Symphony"
Research and development of intelligent technology management system with multifunctional capabilities for operational…
Robotnik exhibits its robots for industry 4.0 in the UCLM event
Robotnik has just participated in the conference about collaborative robotics and industry 4.0 organized by the…
Have you ever wondered what’s the best robotics company specializing in ROS?
If so, The Robot Report gives you the answer, or at least it brings you closer to it, in his article Top 10 ROS-based…